Monday, August 22, 2011

August 8, 2011
This was the first day of school.
Joshua wrote each of the kids a note for the first day of school. 
They were reading them at breakfast.
Ready for the first day of school.  We all wore our America shirts on the first day. 
We're learning about the United States this year. 
Seth was not looking forward to starting kindergarten.  He cried before we started and then after about two minutes of school he said that he liked school. 
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Monday, August 15, 2011

So here's little hard-working 2nd grader Brooke.  She had such a great attitude this week.  She was encouraging to Seth and helpful with Luke and was able to do lots of indepent work really well!
My fabulous first grade teacher friend, Beth reminded me how great play doh is for fine motor skill development.  So, here's Seth on the first day of kindergarten with his play doh S for Seth!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Luke and Seth dressed in Brooke's pink aprons.  Aren't they going to love this when they're older?
Who gets to make sugar cookies, decorate them and eat them on the first day of school?  They were supposed to be red, white and blue, but they were more pastel pink, white and baby blue.  The kids sure didn't care.  They tasted great!
Love this sweet, sweet little boy (and his daddy does too).  Joshua often goes on and on and on about how sweet he is.

This is one of the things Seth learned this week in school.  We practiced one letter each day.  Seth only knew how to write the letter x before this week.  He has not been interested in learning to write.  He actually learned to hold a pencil only a few weeks ago.  I have totally let him be a little boy and enjoy being little and not learn how to write.  So I must admit I was starting to feel a little anxious (not trusting God)  before we started school.  So to see his progress and his enthusiasm this week was super encouraging to me.  I know people have prayed for us.  I am using Handwriting Without Tears which is fabulous!  No tears for Seth or me .  :)
The kids all promoted to their new Sunday School class today.  Since Seth learned to write his name during his first week of kindergarten he was able to write his own name on his Sunday School paper today.  He was very proud of his work.  I was REALLY proud too!