One of Seth’s many creations. I must admit I am very impressed and proud of all that he makes.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
We Got Peeped!
One Sunday morning we looked out the windows and realized someone had stuck forks all over our yard and had put Peeps on them. It was a very pretty prank!
Learning About Asia
Our sweet friend, MaLi and little Phoebe spent the morning with us teaching us about where she grew up. She was a great teacher and it was a lot of fun to learn from a native.
Visiting the Nursing Home

Brooke, Seth, Luke and I made cards and treat bags and went to the nursing home to wish them a Happy Spring on the first day of Spring! They had never been to a nursing home so I tried to prepare them that it might smell bad and I told them they would be like sunshine to the people there. Luke handed his card to one man and the man looked at it and handed it back to him. Luke wasn’t so sure why he gave it back to him but I explained to him that the man wasn’t sure Luke wanted him to keep it. It was definitely time well spent…thinking about someone else and not just ourselves
A Fun Day
Pa Pa Jess and Uncle Ralph spent a Saturday with
us. We had a fun time riding the Mini Train,
playing at the park, eating yummy mexican
and spending time at home.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Thank you Brooke
Brooke made lunch, unloaded the dishwasher, worked on about five loads of laundry, and brought the trash cans from the street. I was so, so thankful. I was especially impressed because I hadn’t asked her to do these things.
March 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day finally came. It’s March forph (is more like Luke says it). He got to take off the last paper chain.
The kids usually get to make a birthday breakfast request. Luke requested biscuits. He was opening some cards that had already come in the mail.
Then he helped make his birthday cake. It was yellow cake with chocolate icing.
We went to the park to play.
Then it was finally time for his puppy birthday party!
We played some puppy games.
Then Luke finally got to open his presents! I think this was his favorite part of the party.
Now since his party he’s been asking for things for his next birthday.
Just a typical day at home doing school. The house starts off clean in the morning and we end the day with things put away. It gets a little crazy in between.
Luke’s Birthday Chain
Luke was really excited about his 4th birthday this year. About 18 days before his birthday came he asked me several times if it was about his birthday. I thought it was going to seem like forever to him until his birthday came. It might also seem like forever to me too if I continued to answer that same sweet little question several times a day for the next 18 days. So we decided to make a birthday chain. Each morning at breakfast time he took off one paper chain. I think it really helped him because then he could see how many more days until his birthday.