Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Seth's Christmas Party at School

Seth's class had a Christmas party at 3:30 in the afternoon.  He gets out of school at 12:50 so it was scheduled for a few hours after school.  There were lots of cookies and treats on the tables that parents had sent earlier.  Everyone brought their own plates and drinks/cups.  Much different than the U.S.
I thought their classroom looked great.  
The kids had memorized a couple of poems and recited them.  Seth is on the back row with a few other students you can't see.
The parents all gave money to get a gift card for Frau Schröder and her assistant that helps during the last class period everyday.
One parent brought his guitar and we got to sing Christmas songs.
Seth was sooooo excited to hand out a candy cane and pencil to each of the kids in his class.  Thank you Grandma Earnie and Papa John for sending them.
This is Vincent sitting on his dad's lap and his mom beside.  Seth has enjoyed going to their house to play.  
Seth and Frau Schröder.  Seth is showing his gift he got at the party.  The kids drew names and brought a gift that cost around 3 Euros.

1 comment:

  1. i really do miss Seth so much! looks like a very fun party!
